Coconut Liqueur 65ml
– Castle Glen’s Coconut Liqueur is made from premium roasted desiccated Coconut which is sourced from Northern Queensland.
The slow fermentation and fortifying with Sugar Cane spirit, develops a decadent Coconut nose and lovely rich Coconut taste.
Hazelnut Liqueur 65ml
– Castle Glen’s Hazelnut Liqueur is created using roasted hazelnuts. This Hazelnut Liqueur is matured into a rich, pungent, sweet, nutty liqueur with tones of vanilla. Hazelnut liqueur can be described as luxurious, extremely flavourful, and soft on the palate with mild sweetness - exotic, pure, and intense.
Pecan & Hazelnut Liqueur 65ml
– Castle Glen’s Pecan & Hazelnut Liqueur is created using a unique blend of medium roasted pecan nuts and hazelnuts. This Pecan & Hazelnut Liqueur is matured into a rich, sweet, sublime nutty liqueur. Taste and soft palate feel is often considered to be like maple syrup.
Macadamia Liqueur 65ml
– Castle Glen’s Macadamia Nut Liqueur is created using roasted Queensland Macadamia Nuts – fermented and fortified for a smooth and buttery palate, with a prominent flavour of sweet nuts and a hint of vanilla.
Almond Liqueur 65ml
– Castle Glen’s Almond Liqueur is created using medium roasted Almonds. This Almond Liqueur is matured into a rich, velvety-smooth liqueur with a soft palate feel. The flavour of rich sweet Almond has been enjoyed in romantic elixirs throughout Europe and the Middle East for centuries.
Bronze Medal - Australian Distilled Spirits Awards 2019.