Dragons Blood 65ml
– Dragon's Blood is a Triple Strength Liqueur created using fermented and fortified chillies that are blended with Castle Glen Liqueurs' White Chocolate. The chilli gives hot and spicy notes to this unique liqueur - a superb liqueur for those who love hot chillies.
Chocolate Chilli Creme Liqueur 65ml
– Castle Glen’s Chocolate Chilli Crème Liqueur is created using our Chilli Cocoa Brandy, giving rich, warm, spicy chocolate notes. The aging process of the Chocolate Chilli Crème Liqueur creates a warm, luxuriously smooth feel on the palate. Castle Glen’s Chocolate Chilli Crème Liqueur is a world first with “no dairy, no fat, and no egg productsâ€.
Just perfect for those with allergies to dairy products and/or vegans.
Horney Devil 65ml
– Castle Glen’s Horney Devil Creme Liqueur is created using Castle Glen Distillery’s spicy chilli spirit infused into Castle Glen’s exclusive premium non dairy creme with NO eggs. Creamy hot chilli, velvety and silky smooth to the last drop.
The Chilli Creme Liqueur is perfect straight, on the rocks or as part of your favourite cocktail.
For the whiz in the kitchen the liqueur can be creatively mixed into a dessert – try chilli ice-cream for those with an ice-cream maker.
Dark Chocolate Chilli Liqueur 65ml
– Castle Glen's Dark Chocolate Chilli liqueur is created using our cocoa chilli brandy, giving rich bittersweet chocolate and hot chilli notes.
The Dark Chocolate Chilli Liqueur is aged making it smooth and velvety on the palate and combines the ultimate indulgence of chocolate and chilli.
Vampire's Blood 65ml
– Vampires Blood is a Triple Strength Liqueur created using fermented and fortified hot chillies, Castle Glen Liqueurs' White Chocolate Liqueur, blended with The Australian Whiskey Company’s 2 Year Old Single Malt Whiskey and rich luscious caramel. The chilli gives very hot, spicy top notes with the warmth of the Whiskey and caramel to smooth out the heat – as a vampire does – it packs a bite!