Chocolate Caramel Creme Liqueur

Castle Glen Chocolate Caramel Creme Liqueur

375ml $30.00

700ml $50.00

560ml $55.00

Plastic Refill Bottle 990ml $65.00

Castle Glen’s Chocolate Caramel Crème Liqueur is created using our Caramel Cocoa Brandy, giving rich and creamy chocolate notes. The aging process of the Chocolate Caramel Crème Liqueur creates a luxuriously smooth feel on the palate. Chocolate Caramel Crème Liqueur is reminiscent of a “liquid Mars Bar”. Castle Glen’s Chocolate Caramel Crème Liqueur is a world first with “no dairy, no fat, and no egg products”.
Just perfect for those with allergies to dairy products and/or vegans.

SERVING: Drink straight, on the rocks, added to coffee/hot chocolate or use as part of a favourite cocktail or dessert.

ALC/VOL: 18%

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